Feedback is not only an ongoing process but requires also a continuous fine tuning to increase performance. Today we will focus on some activities that make the process more effective.
As we already discussed many times, feedback must be continuous and not necessarily limited to a specific moment. But is also characterised by a continuous adaption to the person and the context.
And cannot be only formal. Informality (or less formal) in feedback brings great advantages. And that is the reason why activities that bring together formal and informal moments to build skills and competences with professionals of all levels are also very relevant.
Here are some ideas to foster the process and boosting growth.
Look for the experts
Attend an industry/networking meeting together (What are the upcoming conferences, meetings, webinars that you will both be able to benefit from?). This will not only bring some new food for thought but will also enlarge common network and will create a unique moment between you to share opinions.
Find a different angle
Engage with other business stakeholders who have visibility into the work that the employee is doing. This will clear false positives you may have incurred in and will give you valuable insights on the person by enlarging the spectrum of views.
Study never stops
Develop a relevant reading/studying list together and discuss it during feedback conversations. Make a point of setting a goal to regularly listen and discuss topics. If needed, spend time together with one another as part of your daily routine. It can be attending a group meeting or reviewing a report or budget together. They could spark some new ideas and focus areas you weren’t on before.