We often discuss and question on what skills that characterize a leader, whether is a matter of authority, power or strength or a combination of the full set of them.
For those being managers or those aspiring to be so, there’s one main point to focus on: if we are leading from a basis of power or authority, or if the leadership comes from a recognized personal strength.
If we stick to the question itself, there’s no single and unanimous answer to this dilemma, and most probably the right answer is to adopt the required management technique, in the right moment.
Is a matter of fact that part of the authority comes from the hierarchical position you own and that is endorsed by company internal mechanisms. But is a two faced medal not always worth to adopt. Seems to me that this is the last shelter to survive if you leadership is not recognized. During my career I met lot of managers that used to refuge in the authority area rather than trying to become a leader.
And a leader recognized first of all by your organization and your peers.
Being or becoming a leader whose power is given and confirmed by your people, is generally the key for a well performing organization but most of all is the key to amplify your role and attitude. Having a robust base recognizing your leadership is key to success but takes time to be achieved.
Is like growing a plant: you start from a small seed but can grow to a giant redwood tree, even though the journey can be difficult and sometimes fatal.
Leadership is practiced on a daily basis and brings more results as you increase your footprint. But be aware: the pattern to disaster is quicker than the one to leadership, so be always aware that your action, thoughts and ideas should be perceived as solid and consistent, otherwise people will lose trust in you and this will be difficult to recover.