How do you make the most of coaching? This question can be seen from both sides, employee and manager with conclusions and discoveries not being always simple to address.
As we all know, coaching is a widely used modality in the development of people. In order to maximise the result on both ends, is important to consider what are the things we can do to accelerate its impact.
So here are some quick pointers to keep in mind.
- Make sure coaching is the right approach. Coaching is not training and you are not as a “consultant” coach. If a person needs to develop skills, a combination of coaching and training may be the best solution or whatever blend you may find. As always, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe, but it must be carefully studied whether this way is the one that maximises the effects short and long term
- Consider how coaching can support other initiatives in the organisation. If there is an ongoing training program for leadership development or change management, it is important to plan the training in an integrated manner so as to create new habits and support these changes in behaviour and learning. An isolated initiative does not guarantee appreciable and lasting results over time, but, above all, it can lead to dystonic ones if not included in an overall view. Too often development initiatives are seen as prizes and so reduced to isolated giveaways
- Encourage three-way conversations between the employee, the coach and their manager throughout the coaching process in order to enrich and complete the experience. Dialogue is fundamental and bringing into the work relationship what you are trying to transfer as a coach is a powerful accelerator of results.
- Do coaching with a purpose in both yours and coachee’s mind. Don’t leave it as a one timer done to fill the time available between two meetings