Maximizing the relational part in a team can be at same time a booster of efficiency or a killer of productivity depending on how is managed. Let’s review the pitfalls to avoid
Putting people back in the center means dealing with yourself first
When comes to leadership you have to deal with the most challenging “asset”: people. And you cannot give back more than what you own. So how to put people at the heart of our actions?
Giving feedback requires a regular and consistent pace applying a method. What are the characteristics of a good approach?
Virtual teams effectiveness goes through sharing and understanding needs, approaches and above all communication
Discussions do not spark often autonomously but require a facilitator to keep them start and going. What are the skills needed?
Teamwork doesn’t rely on buzzwords but on skills that need to be developed during time both by managers and teams. Let’s have a look at them.
Keeping a meeting interesting and effective is not always simple, but with a good method and some hints you can go from boring to interesting in a moment
Feedback is key to develop our people and, most of all is a frequent demand from employees. Let’s look at some facts
Teams are not crafted in stone. They can change and the need to do it in order to adapt to the continuously moving bar set by the environment. How to recognize when is time for a spin?
Setting goals is not waste of time. The more you tailor them to the people you are managing, the more you will have control on your team and be able to discuss less. Let’s see how to do