Setting goals is a complex activity to be done wisely to achieve effectiveness of our team. Do it correctly and you will have a commitment and a clear starting base to be monitored; do it the wrong way and you risk to loose control on your team. The wider the team, more complex will be.
Leadership attributes include, among the others, inspiration, capability to listen and to communicate, working as a team while valuing individual contributions. Is a journey not simple but that you need to master
Being a leader in a VUCA environment as the one we are living in passes through having a drifting anchor to which we can look to maintain the right course for our team. And this anchor are values and their operational representation of behaviours.
Being a leader is more than being a manager and passes through creating a unique recipe made of specific ingredients.
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash Today we will focus on some relevant ideas on the subject of leadership that revolve around the...
Leadership requires a balance among many factors. This time we focus on delegation, execution and involvement, three essential tools for each manager.
Communication is a good part of being a leader: without it or with a wrong one all effectiveness risks to disappear. we deal this time with the rule of three, with tailored communication and relationships
In today’s rapidly changing business environment, it is essential for organisations to continuously strive for productivity.
Leadership is a a multi faced approach to be taken and doesn’t necessarily need to maximise all the pillars at same time: there are moments for each and every point we discuss in our journey and for their combination; is up to us as managers to find the right blend. Today we focus on clarity, gratitude , determination and planning
The key to effective leadership in times of crisis lies in understanding that every crisis is temporary, with a defined trajectory from beginning to end that ultimately leads to a new balance. Leaders must be adaptable throughout this journey to ensure their effectiveness